
January 24, 2013

Posted in Events, Super Bowl, Tips

Hosting a Super Bowl party?

Wow your Super Bowl guests with an Original Turducken Premium Roast from Echelon Foods. Our turducken roast even looks like a football! Your friends will be "Raven" about it and it easily feeds "4-9" people. (Sorry).

Our turducken roast is totally boneless and very easy to cook. You can bake it in the oven, slow cook it in a crock pot or put it on a rotisserie on the BBQ. It is available with a Spicy Italian sausage stuffing or a Chicken Apple sausage stuffing.

Ask for it by name at your favorite grocery store, or contact us to help you out.

The Echelon Foods Turducken is ideal for Easter too!

October 29, 2012

Posted in

Did You Know? US Thanksgiving Facts

Early explorers to the New World quickly acquired a taste for turkey and took birds back to Europe with them. By the 1500s, turkeys were being raised domestically in Italy, France and England. When the Pilgrims and other settlers arrived in America, they were already familiar with raising and eating turkey and naturally included it as part of their Thanksgiving feast.

Some experts think the first Thanksgiving dinner was served by the Pilgrims in 1621. Others credit the settlers of Virginia's Jamestown with celebrating the first Thanksgiving as their version of England's ancient Harvest Home Festival.

President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed Thanksgiving a national holiday in 1863, supposedly as a response to a campaign organized by magazine editor Sara Joseph Hale. In 1939, President Franklin Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving Day forward one week, as it is presently celebrated.

Source: National Turkey Federation website (

October 22, 2012

Posted in

Did You Know? US Thanksgiving Facts #1

Q: Thanksgiving has traditionally been the start of the Christmas holiday season in the U.S. Which U.S. President moved Thanksgiving back a week to extend the holiday shopping season?

A: Franklin Delano Roosevelt made the move in an attempt to help out retailers suffering through the Depression. Since 1859 U.S. Thanksgiving had been celebrated on November 30th, but in 1939 FDR declared the holiday to be the fourth Thursday in November (November 23 of that year). Two years later FDR signed a bill making the move permanent and official.

October 10, 2012

Posted in Reviews

Leader Post – Turducken gets a big thumbs up

Instead of traditional turkey, my family sat down to a feast of Turducken on Thanksgiving. Yummy!

Read the full story at Leader Post

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